
- A Week of Ikuto-sensei - 4

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Brownpup5's avatar

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Puppy: C-h-a-p-t-e-r f-o-u-r!
Amu: Yay.
Puppy: I’m excited about this chapter, and I can’t wait to write about the school field trip!
Amu: Do you have to?
Puppy: What’s wrong, Amu-chan?
Amu: I’m worried Ikuto will do something perverted.
Ikuto: What are you thinking about, pervert?
Amu: You’re the pervert!!
Ikuto: Sure…..*rolls eyes*
Puppy: W-Well…we should start the story soon….*backs away slowly*
Ikuto: What’s with you? You seem…. fidgety.
Puppy: N-No I’m not! I just have to start writing the story before….
Amu: *reads latest journal entry* S-Sh-Sh-Sho-Shower!!?
Puppy: She reads my journal entry.
Amu: If you write something with me, Ikuto and a shower, you’re a pervert!
Puppy: No! *dramatic music*
Ikuto: Where did that music come from?
Puppy: Oh. From that amuto fangirl in the corner.
Fangirl: Hi!
Ikuto: Weird….
Puppy: Ok, our chat is long enough. I don’t own Shugo Chara/Shugo Chara Doki or any of the characters. Story start!
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Normal P.O.V.
When Amu got home she went straight to her room.
“What a day.” She sighed. She unhooked her Humpty Lock from her neck and sat it on the desk.
“Amu-chan, would you like some tea? ~desu” Suu asked motioning towards a warm cup of green tea.
“Thanks, Suu.” She said picking up the glass.
“Big day today!” Ran said setting her pom poms next to the Humpty Lock.
“Tell me about it.” Amu said, rolling her eyes and sipping her tea.
“Well, Amu-chan stayed up late last night. So she fell asleep in class, so she got detention with Ikuto-san. ~desu” Suu said.
“Suu, I didn’t really want you to answer that.” Amu informed her, taking another sip of tea, which had actually helped her calm down some.
“Sorry ~desu”
“It’s ok.”
After finishing her drink Amu went down to eat dinner, and then went to bed. She slipped on her comfortable plaid yellow and orange pajamas and curled up in bed. She was actually able to get to bed early tonight, so she would be fully awake tomorrow.
The first thing she heard was her alarm clock. Ring. Ring. Ring! She remembered she had to get up or else she would either be late or possibly fall asleep during school again. She slowly got out of bed and switched off her clock. Ran was already awake and swinging her pom poms in the air.
“Mi~ki! Su~u! Wake up~!” She cheered at their eggs.
“Huh….? ~desu” Suu peeked out of her egg and squinted at the sun coming through the window. “What time is it? ~desu”
“Time to wake up!” Ran said as she opened Miki’s egg. Miki was sitting in her blue egg with her sketch book and pencil in hand.
“Huh? What?” She said looking around. “Ran?”
“Wakey wakey!” Ran said.
“I-I’m awake.” Miki replied clutching her sketch book tightly.
“Whatcha drawing, Miki?” Ran asked trying to look at her picture.
“N-Nothing!” She replied blushing.
“Miki’s pink! Miki’s pink!” Ran cheered.
“But it’s true.”
“Ugh. Miki just show her the drawing, she’s being too loud.” Amu said smoothing out her messy hair with a brush.
“I-I don’t want to!” She said holding her sketch book closer.
“Show me!” Ran begged, trying to grab the book.
“Show me!”
“Miki!” Amu huffed, putting the brush down. “Show me.”
Miki slowly flew over to Amu with her tiny sketch book. “H-Here….”
Amu looked at the tiny thing and saw a rough sketch of Yoru and Miki. “Is that Yo-?”
“Don’t say it!” Miki cried running in front of Amu.
“B-Because….It’s embarrassing!” She blushed.
“It’s Yoru!” Ran announced.
“Eh!? How did you-?!”
“Because Yoru is the only one who can make you blush.”
“T-That’s not-! I mean-! Well….Amu blushes too!”
“Hey!” Amu said, putting two ‘X’ clips in her side ponytail. “Don’t bring me into your arguments!”
“Amu-chan blushes when she’s with Ikuto!” Miki said, ignoring her.
“She blushed yesterday in detention!”
“…so it’s not weird for a chara to blush at the chara of the guy she likes.”
“HEY!” Amu yelled. Miki covered her ears and looked at Amu.
“….What….?” She asked.
“I-I-I n-never said I liked him!” She stuttered.
“You never said you didn’t though….” Miki pouted.
“U-U-Uh…..” Amu started, trying to think of something to say until she heard her mom call her for breakfast. “B-Breakfast time! Got to go!” She said running downstairs.
After breakfast Amu went back to her room to get dressed, because she totally forgot she was still wearing her pj’s instead of her uniform. She opened the door and found her charas busily flying around to get her stuff together.
“Thanks, girls.” She said as she pulled her uniform out of the closet.
“No problem!”
“You’re welcome.”
She smiled as she changed into her uniform. She pulled on her black jacket and fixed her red tie. “Perfect.”
She ran downstairs and put her usual shoes on. “I’m leaving!” She called to her mom.
“Bye, Amu-chan!” Her mom called.
Amu ran to school and made it with five minutes to spare. She walked through the gates and looked around the school yards. Everything was like it usually was; little 3rd graders running around, 4th graders trying to act mature and walk like the 5th graders and the 5th graders being bothered by the 4th graders that constantly followed them around like little puppies. She sighed and slipped into her ‘Cool ‘n Spicy’ mask as she walked towards the school building.
“Amu-chi!!” A familiar voice called her. She turned around just in time to get glomped by Yaya.
“Good morning, Amu-chi!” She smiled, releasing Amu from the hug.
“Mornin’, Yaya.”
“Where were you yesterday?! The meeting is boring with without Amu-chi!” She whined grabbing Amu’s arm and walking into school.
“I got detention…” Amu muttered.
“Eh!? Our Ami-chi got detention!? What did you do?”
“I just fell asleep in class. And I got a detention for it.”
“Hmmm…..” Yaya said staring at her.
“W…What is it?”
“Have you gotten taller, Amu-chi?”
“Huh? That has nothing to do with this.”
“Well have you?” Yaya asked brushing off her last statement.
“I don’t really know.”
“Amu!” Rima called running down the hallway to meet her best friend.
“Oh, Rima, Good morning.” Amu said smiling.
“Morning, Rima-tan!” Yaya chimed in.
“Good morning.” Rima replied. “Hey, Amu, why weren’t you at the guardian’s meeting yesterday.”
“Amu-chi got detention!” Yaya said, like it was the biggest scoop ever.
“Ya! Amu-chi fell asleep in class and the new teacher gave her detention!”
“That’s not fair! Well, you have to come the next meeting, Amu. It was boring. Tadase talked about the increase of school funds and the salary of next month’s ‘Take-Over-The-World Fund’. Since when did we have one of those?” Rima asked, puffing out her cheeks.
“Yeah! And even Nagi was being boring! All he did was stare at Rima when she wasn’t looking!” Yaya pouted.
“He what!?” Amu and Rima said at the exact same time.
“It sounds like he likes you, Rima.” Amu smiled.
“D-Don’t be ridiculous.” Rima said, brushing it off.  “Amu?”
“Have you growth some? You look taller.”
“That’s what Yaya said!” Yaya said, proving the point that Amu had grown, at least a little bit.
“I don’t know. I don’t feel that different.” Amu said as they walked to her home room class.
“So Amu-chi, Rima-tan, what’s the new teacher like?” Yaya asked with sparkling eyes.
“Yaya! You’re no better than all the other girls!” Amu groaned. “There always drooling over him.”
“Yaya is not drooling!” She said with a disgusted face. “Yaya thinks it’s interesting and wants to be in your class!”
“What’s so interesting about it?” Rima asked.
“Everything!” Yaya smiled. “Especially that Amu-chi is a-”
“Oh look we’re here! See you later Yaya!” Amu said waving as she walked in her classroom. Rima looked at Yaya then followed Amu.
“Bye, Amu-chi! Rima-tan!”
“Bye.” Rima said politely.
Amu walked over to her seat and pulled out her notebook. She opened it to the first page and there was a drawing of Ikuto and Yoru on it. She quickly shut it and looked down at her artistic chara. “Miki!”
Miki guiltily looked up at Amu.
“Have you been drawing in my sketch books again?”
“N-No….” She replied looking away.
“Oh, really? Then what is this picture!?” Amu said motioning to the life-like sketch of the cat pair. Miki blushed slightly, but didn’t answer. Amu sighed. “Just don’t draw in them again. I’ll get you a big sketchbook sometime, but what would you say if he saw it?”
“He who?” A voice said.
Amu looked up quickly and saw Ikuto hovering at her desk with Yoru on his shoulder.
“I thought Yoru would cause trouble for the class.” Amu said, slipping on her ‘Cool n’ Spicy’ mask.
Ikuto simply shrugged and looked at her notebook. “What’s in there?”
“None of your business.”
“Why so cold, Amu?”
“I’m not cold, just….don’t like people invading my personal bubble.”
Ikuto raised his eyebrows at her. “You think this is invading your personal bubble?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Then what’s this?” He asked leaning down close to Amu and looking directly in her eyes. She slightly blushed,
“U-Uh…A major invasion of personal bubble-ness.”
Ikuto backed up. “‘Personal bubble-ness’?” He laughed. “What does that mean?”
“I means-! ….It….I don’t know!” She admitted.
He shook his head slightly and smiled. “That’s what I thought.”
Suddenly the bell rang and everyone went to their seats. Ikuto walked up to the desk and picked up a small packet. “Ok class, I have something I need to hand out to you. Even though I’m not an official teacher, I still have the right to take you on a field trip.”
The class whispered excitedly about this for a minute then got quiet so Ikuto could finish.
“Just get your parents to sign this sheet.” He held up the two page packet, “It also gives information to where we’re going, and what time.”
A hand shot in the air as a brown haired girl said, “Tsukiyomi-sensei!”
“Yes, Kai?”
“Where are we going?”
Ikuto smiled and handed out the packets, “We’re going to a ski resort.”
The whole class gasped. Out of all the field trips they’ve had this one seemed like it would be the most fun. The class exchanged delighted whispers to each other.
‘We’re going to a ski resort!?’
‘Oh my gosh! It’ll be so fun!’
‘Tsukiyomi-sensei + skiing = hotness!!’
‘What should I wear?’
‘Wear something warm, but cute.’
Amu looked at the paper in her hands.

‘Field Trip for September;
Destination: Ski Resort, and Uta Paradise Hotel
Time: Get to school at 7:30am Friday morning come back to school Sunday 7:30am
Cost: Already paid for
Bring: Money for food, two pairs of clothes, pajamas, extra items used daily
Extra: Bring clothes for both warm and cold weather, plus a swimsuit
Parent’s Signature, _____________________’

Seven thirty!? We’re leaving at seven thirty am!? Amu thought, looking over her paper. And what does bring ‘bring clothes for warm and cold weather’? She was about to ask when a blue haired girl raised her hand up.
“Tsukiyomi-sensei, I have a question.”
“Yes?” He asked, sitting down at his desk.
“What does it mean warm and cold clothes?”
Ikuto smiled. “We may be going to a ski resort, but the hotel we’re staying in includes a warm summer-like area, and a swimming pool.”
The class, mostly the girls, beamed at the thought of this.
‘Kya! This will be so fun!’
‘What should I bring?’
‘Something that will impress Tsukiyomi-sensei, of course.’
‘I’m going bikini shopping after school!’
‘Can I come?’
‘Duh! We all need to look perfect!’
Amu tuned out the gossiping girls and looked over it one more time. We have to bring a swimsuit? She thought uneasily. I want to swim, but……what kind would I bring? Not a bikini! Probably a one piece. Yeah, I’m definitely bringing a one piece swimsuit! But wait, is Ikuto going to be swimming too? Are the teachers allowed to swim with the students? They should be….I mean they probably are. But…a 48 hours on a field trip, only with our class, and where Ikuto is the teacher…. The resort sounds fun, but…
“Maybe I’ll skip this one.” She mumbled to herself.
“Skip what, Amu?” Rima asked looking up from her packet.
“The trip. I might skip it.”
“I’ve already been to a ski place before, plus I worried about….other things.”
“But I was looking forward to going with Amu.” Rima said getting teary eyed.
“Eh-!?” Amu was a little worried about the trip, but she didn’t want Rima to cry. “I-I-I’ll think about it…”
“Yay!” Rima half hugged her gently and turned back to her paper. Amu sighed, but still was worried. Detention with Ikuto was kind of awkward, so the field trip might be worse. She slipped the paper in her bag, little did she know Ikuto was listening to their whole conversation, and there was no way that she was going to miss the trip.
He smirked to himself and picked up the school phone.
After school Amu was just walking out of the class room with Rima when,
“Amu-chi! Rima-tan!”
They both looked over and saw Yaya running towards them.
“Amu-chi, Rima-tan!!” She said hugging the both at once.
“Y-Yaya! Hi.” Amu stuttered, trying not to fall backwards from the off balance hug.
“Hi, Yaya.” Rima greeted, smoothing down her now messed up hair.
“Hi hi! Yaya heard that you need to go swimsuit shopping for the field trip.” She said animatedly.
“Eh-! How did you know we h-”
“Yaya knows everything, Amu-chi! So where are we shopping at?” She asked.
“S-Shopping…? We weren’t really-“
“Amu-chi! You need another swimsuit even if you have one!”
“I didn’t say I had one. Just that I might not be goin-”
“No!” Rima and Yaya said in unison.
“Amu, you have to go!”
“Yeah, Amu-chi!”
“W-Well…..” Amu thought for a second, before her and Rima’s arms were grabbed by Yaya.
“Then it’s decided! To ‘Umi World’ we go!”
Before they could finish Yaya was dragging then to the local swimsuit store, Umi World.
When they got there Yaya pulled then over to the pre-teen swimsuit section.
“Now, which one would look best on Rima-tan?” Yaya asked herself, while looking through a rack of one pieces. She finally pulled out a dark blue one piece with a small skirt and shiny jewels on it.
“Too shiny.” Rima said. She was actually looking through them too, while Amu was just glancing at the cute swim wear.
“That’s the point!” Yaya pouted, but pulled out another one. This one had spaghetti straps and was a light orange color. Rima looked over it; she seemed to like it but was a little hesitant, but went to try it on anyway. When she came out she looked like a little doll in a cute swim suit.
“Perfect! We found Rima-tan a swim suit!” Yaya clapped happily. “Next is Amu-chi!”
“W-Wait! I never said that-!”
“Here! Try this on!” Yaya said pushing Amu into a small changing room. She sighed and looked down at the little light pink one piece. She changed out of her uniform and into the swimsuit. She hesitantly opened the curtain and saw Yaya looking over her.
“W-What? Does it look weird?” Amu asked worriedly.
“A little…” Rima admitted, looking through another stack of swim suits. “Here.”
Rima handed her another one piece, it was a lavender color, with a small flower on the shoulder. She tried it on, but Yaya said it was too ‘un-Amu-chi-ish’ if that even made sense. She tried on another blue one, but Rima said it looked too dark for her. Amu sighed looking through the racks herself. Nothing she had tried on so far had looked right. She needed something cute, but not too cute. Something that matched her; something that was perfect.
“Amu-chi, try this on!” Yaya said holding out another choice.
Something like that. It was a dark pink color, with a skirt-like bottom, only it was a two piece.
“Y-Yaya, that’s a bikini!” She said.
“Yeah, so?” Yaya asked, cocking her head to the side.
“I-I can’t wear a bikini!”
“Is it against the rules?”
“Then try it on!” Yaya cheered pushing her in the dressing room. She looked down at the dark two piece. Maybe I’ll just try it on. She thought, as she slipped on. As soon as she pulled back to curtain Rima and Yaya gasped.
“You look great, Amu-chi!”
Amu eyed the bikini, but didn’t object. “I-It’s just… it’s kind of-”
“We’re buying it!” Yaya announced.
“Wh-Wha-No! Yaya!” Amu stuttered.
“Now its Yaya’s turn to fins a cute swimsuit!”
“Why do you need a swimsuit?” Rima asked.
Yaya just smiled, “I just do!”
Amu sighed and changed back to her uniform. She never intended to get a swimsuit, let alone a bikini! But this day was not going how she’d pictured it. She, Rima and Yaya paid for their swimsuits and walked home. Yaya had picked out an orange-yellow one with stripes and a little heart on it. Amu sighed as she walked through her door. At least she had a cute swimsuit for when she needed it. But she was still a little hesitant about going the trip. Especially if there was Ikuto, a pool and a bikini. She shuddered at the thought, and slipped off her shoes and was about it go up to her room.
“Amu-chan!” She heard her mom call.
“What is it, Mama?” She called back.
“Can you come here, sweetie?”
“Sure mom.” Amu said walking down the steps and into the living room.
“Amu-chan, I heard you were going to a ski resort!” Her mom beamed.
“W-Wha…How did you know that?!” Amu asked in disbelief. First Yaya knew, now her mom!? How was she going to get out of this now? She thought.
“Your teacher, Tsukiyomi-sensei, called us.”
Ikuto called my mom!?!
“He said your class was having a field trip tomorrow and that I needed to sign a slip saying you could go.”
Amu glared at the phone. Now she was certain that she had to go. She reluctantly pulled out the packet and handed it to her mom. Why? Why does mom want me to go?! Doesn’t she know that ‘Tsukiyomi-sensei’ is the person who was over here before!? Amu thought angrily. Here mom signed the sheet and said, “Have fun!”
Oh the innocence of that sentence. But it probably wasn’t the best thing to say. Amu walked up to her room and shoved the paper back in her bag.
“Amu-chan! Don’t worry it can’t be that bad!” Ran said, trying to cheer her owner up.
“That’s what you said about detention.” Amu mumbled.
“Well….it really can’t be that bad. ~desu” Suu agreed.
Amu just sighed and glared out her window. Stupid Ikuto.
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Puppy: Another chapter done!
Amu: Why did Ikuto have to call my mom?!
Puppy: Because it makes a good story. I can’t have the main character missing out on the fun school trip! It would be unfair.
Ikuto: Yes. Unfair.
Amu: Don’t encourage the author.
Puppy: No! Please encourage me! Oh! I have a shout out for my story’s fans. Thank you for reading it and I hope you like the chapters to come! And thank you Ayanna-chan, and fantasygirl123 for giving me some ideas for the story. Any one who has any ideas, I’d be happy to hear them! See you next chapter!
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Yay! The next chapter is out! But I don't think I did very good on seems a little....plotless.....or something. But I hope you will like it, or at least not hate it. I'm looking forward to writing about the field trip! Oh! Don't steal or re-post, ok?
© 2009 - 2024 Brownpup5
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Bluekyopuppy's avatar
Your fan fiction is so awesome! This is a little off-topic, but don't you think Ikuto would be a REALLY good doctor? I don't go to the doctor, but I'd go if Ikuto was my doctor! (Wow. I'm such a pervert!) XD